Choosing the Right Cycling Bicycle is not so Simple

Knowing what to look for in your new bicycle is of paramount importance. Take heart! Even professional cyclists struggle when choosing their next bicycle. The fact of the matter is that getting a bike involves many different choices. If you know how and when you want to ride, where you are going to ride, how comfortable and safe you must be, and what you’d like to look like as you ride, you’ll have an easier time choosing your bike. Keeping on top of all the new ideas coming out with bicycling, as well as choosing between the old options, makes choosing a bike hard. Take the easy road, and use the tests we suggest to choose your new ride.

The first thing to ensure is you get a bike that is the right size. Begin by measuring your inseam. This is accomplished by measuring from your groin to your foot down the inside of your leg. Ideally you should be able to place both feet on the ground while on your bike. This is for safety more than anything else, if your brakes should fail you will not be able to easily stop the bike otherwise. You will also need to consider which handlebars you want on your bike. There are many different types to choose from, each better for specific roles. Handlebars that extend straight out give you more control over how your bike is maneuvered over rough terrain. They are good for distributing your weight as you ride over a bigger area. For racing bikes you will want completely different handlebars, these handlebars will curve and allow you to ride your bike in a leaning position, this is to cut down on wind resistance and allow you to cycle faster. For those of us who only plan to use our bikes sporadically, you may wish to go with a handlebar style that is comfortable and yet easily stored away.

Ask yourself the number of gears necessary for your bike. If you are going to be travelling in relatively flat places, you will not need as many gears as you would need in rockier terrain or a terrain with lots of hills. A bike isn’t better just because it has more gears than another. In actuality, you may never use all the gears. Why spend extra money paying for something that you don’t need? Of course, if your cycling bicycle is going to be your primary mode of transportation you might need to make sure you have enough gears to handle rough situations. You will need to think about many different things when choosing a bike for them. The durability of a bike may be the most important thing depending on how you intend to use it. These folks are looking to find a bike that allows them to get where they are going without having to worry about a breakdown. Price can also be a point to consider. As long as you take your time to find out all you need to know about buying a bike, you should be good to go. Do some see it here research and steer clear of buying the first bike you come across.

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